About Us

Finding no local, or affordable option at that, we went the route of making our own. Nearly a half decade later and with a bit of arm twisting of fans, we launched Refurrrbished Sidecars.
Sharing the experience of all the head turns and smiles you'll receive, while riding one of our sidecars, was always the goal. Ever since that first ride in 2017 on Venice Beach, CA, it's been our mission.
Our sidecars are designed and built with repurposed and refurbished materials that typically end up at your local landfills. Delivering you and your pet a truly unique and affordable option for a bicycle trailer / sidecar.
Why Refurrrbished?
All Refurrrbished Sidecars are hand crafted and made in the USA, out of our Southern California studio. We stride to be accessible and available to all of our customers, and encourage customizations, as we know being unique is what brought you to us in the first place!